$$ \definecolor{myBlue}{RGB}{141, 209, 255} \newcommand{\info}[1]{{\color{myBlue} #1}} \newcommand{\svec}{\boldsymbol} \newcommand{\bu}{\svec{u}} \newcommand{\bJ}{\svec{J}} \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\Rtwo}{{\R^2}} \newcommand{\Rthree}{{\R^3}} \newcommand{\H}{\mathcal{H}} \newcommand{\M}{\mathcal{M}} \newcommand{\U}{\mathcal{U}} \newcommand{\prt}[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand{\brk}[1]{\left[#1\right]} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left|#1\right|} \newcommand{\grad}{\nabla} \newcommand{\gradx}{\grad_x} \newcommand{\gradv}{\grad_v} \newcommand{\vs}{v_*} \newcommand{\xs}{x_*} \newcommand{\gradvs}{\grad_{\vs}} \newcommand{\div}{\grad\cdot} \newcommand{\divx}{\gradx\cdot} \newcommand{\divv}{\gradv\cdot} \newcommand{\divvs}{\gradvs\cdot} \newcommand{\curl}{\grad\times} \newcommand{\curlx}{\gradx\times} \newcommand{\curlv}{\gradv\times} \newcommand{\conv}{\ast} \renewcommand{\star}{\conv} \newcommand{\convx}{\conv_{x}} \newcommand{\convv}{\conv_{v}} \newcommand{\convxv}{\conv_{x,v}} \renewcommand{\d}{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand{\dd}{\mathop{}\!\d} \newcommand{\dx}{\dd x} \newcommand{\dy}{\dd y} \newcommand{\dv}{\dd v} \newcommand{\dw}{\dd w} \newcommand{\dvs}{\dd \vs} \newcommand{\dxs}{\dd \xs} \newcommand{\Dt}{\Delta t} \newcommand{\Dx}{\Delta x} \newcommand{\Dy}{\Delta y} \newcommand{\der}[2]{\frac{\d #1}{\d #2}} \newcommand{\pder}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}} \newcommand{\secondpder}[2]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}} \newcommand{\doublepder}[3]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3}} \newcommand{\vder}[2]{\frac{\delta #1}{\delta #2}} \newcommand{\pt}{\partial_t} \newcommand{\px}{\partial_x} \newcommand{\p}{_{p}} \newcommand{\q}{_{q}} \newcommand{\pq}{_{p,\,q}} \newcommand{\Np}{N} \newcommand{\Nc}{N_c} \newcommand{\Nx}{N_{x}} \newcommand{\Ny}{N_{y}} \newcommand{\Nz}{N_{z}} \newcommand{\Nv}{N_{v}} \newcommand{\Nvx}{N_{v_x}} \newcommand{\Nvy}{N_{v_y}} \newcommand{\Nvz}{N_{v_z}} \newcommand{\Nb}{N_b} \newcommand{\fN}{f^\Np} \newcommand{\ftN}{\tilde{f}^\Np} \newcommand{\tH}{\tilde{\H}} \newcommand{\U}{\mathcal{U}} \newcommand{\ex}{\eta} \newcommand{\ev}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\Sx}{\psi_\ex} \newcommand{\Sv}{\varphi_\ev} \newcommand{\convx}{\conv_{x}} \newcommand{\convv}{\conv_{v}} \newcommand{\convxv}{\conv_{x,v}} \newcommand{\rhomax}{\rho_{\text{max}}} \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\n}{^{n}} \newcommand{\np}{^{n+1}} \newcommand{\i}{_{i}} \newcommand{\ip}{_{i+1}} \newcommand{\ih}{_{i+1/2}} \newcommand{\imh}{_{i-1/2}} \newcommand{\pos}[1]{\prt{#1}^+} \newcommand{\neg}[1]{\prt{#1}^-} $$

Seminar: Research Center on Stability,
Instability, and Turbulence @ NYUAD

Pedestrian Models with Congestion Effects

Rafael Bailo, University of Oxford
In collaboration with P. Aceves-Sánchez, P. Degond, and Z. Mercier
28th February 2024

Today's Talk

  • Macroscopic (hydrodynamic) models for pedestrians.
  • Models derived/inspired from vehicular traffic models.
  • Singular terms to enforce capacity constraints .
  • Structure-preserving numerical analysis.

But There Are Other Models for Pedestrians!

  • Reviews: Bellomo, Gibelli, Quaini, Reali (2022) , Bellomo, Liao, Quaini, Russo, Siettos (2023) .
  • Force-based models: Reynolds (1987) , Helbing, Molnár (1995) , D'Orsogna, Chuang, Bertozzi, Chayes (2006) .
  • Rational behaviour models: Moussaïd, Helbing, Theraulaz (2011) , Degond, Appert-Rolland, Moussaïd, Pettré, Theraulaz (2013) , RB, Carrillo, Degond (2018) , Salam, Tiwari, Klar, Sundar (2023) .
  • Other hydrodynamic models: Hughes (2002) , Hughes (2003) , Colombo, Rosini (2005) , Carrillo, Martin, Wolfram (2016) .
  • Cellular automata: Burstedde, Klauck, Schadschneider, Zittartz (2001) .
  • Mean-field games: Dogbé (2010) , Lachapelle, Wolfram (2011) .
  • Multi-scale models: Cristiani, Piccoli, Tosin (2011) .
  • Collective learning: Liao, Ren, Yan (2023) .
  • Differential games: Barreiro-Gomez, Masmoudi (2023) .

The Fundamental Diagram

$\rho$ is the density, $u$ is the velocity, $J$ is the flux.

Weidmann (1993), Seyfried, Steffen, Klingsch, Boltes (2005), Cao, Seyfried, Zhang, Holl, Song (2017).

Early Traffic Models (1950s)

$$ \pt\rho + \px(\rho u_{\text{FD}}(\rho)) = 0, $$or, defining $J_{\text{FD}}(\rho) = \rho u_{\text{FD}}(\rho)$,$$ \pt\rho + J'_{\text{FD}}(\rho) \px\rho = 0. $$Information propagates at speed $ J'_{\text{FD}}(\rho) - u_{\text{FD}}(\rho) = \rho u'_{\text{FD}}(\rho) \leq 0 .$

Lighthill, Whitham (1955), Richards (1956).

Second-Order Models (1970s)

$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px(\rho u) = 0, \\ \pt u + u \px u = -\frac{1}{\tau} \left( u - u_{\text{FD}}(\rho) + \frac{\nu}{\rho}\px\rho \right) , \quad \tau>0, \nu>0. \end{cases} $$The $\px \rho$ term on the second equation is an attempt to model congestion.

Payne (1971), Whitham (1974).

Requiem for Second-Order Models (1995)

For some increasing function $p(\rho)$, rewrite previous model as$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px(\rho u) = 0, \\ \pt u + u \px u + \frac{\nu}{\rho}\px p(\rho) = -\frac{1}{\tau} ( u - u_{\text{FD}}(\rho) ) , \quad \tau>0, \nu>0. \end{cases} $$

Characteristic speeds are $u\pm \nu\sqrt{p'(\rho)}$: information can reach drivers from behind!

Daganzo (1995).

Resurrection of Second-Order Models (2000)

A new model:$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px(\rho u) = 0, \\ (\pt + u \px) (u + p(\rho)) = 0. \end{cases} $$$p(\rho)$ is an increasing function, the pseudo-pressure (think of $p(\rho)=\rho^\gamma$ for $\gamma>0$).

Characteristic speeds are $u$ and $u - \rho p'(\rho)$.

Aw, Rascle (2000).

Rescaled Aw-Rascle Model (2008)

Make the pseudo-pressure singular, and rescale:$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px(\rho u) = 0, \\ (\pt + u \px) (u + \info{ \eps p(\rho)} ) = 0, \quad 0 < \eps \ll 1, \\ \info{p(\rho)} = ( \rho^{-1} - \rhomax^{-1} ) ^ {-\gamma},\quad \gamma > 0. \end{cases} $$The singular term enforces the capacity constraint $\rho\leq\rhomax$.

Berthelin, Degond, Delitala, Rascle (2008), Berthelin, Degond, Blanc, Moutari, Royer (2008).

The Desired Velocity $\omega$

Rewrite$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px(\rho u) = 0, \\ (\pt + u \px) (u + \eps p(\rho)) = 0, \end{cases} $$as$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px(\rho u) = 0, \\ \info{(\pt + u \px) \omega} = 0, \\ u = \omega - \eps p(\rho). \end{cases} $$

$\omega$, the desired velocity, is advected by the model.

Towards Pedestrians

The relation $u = \omega - \eps p(\rho)$ is not dimensionally consistent. A natural alternative is $u = \omega - \eps \info{\grad \phi (\rho)}$. Model becomes$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \div(\rho u) = 0, \\ (\pt + u \cdot \grad) \omega = 0, \\ u = \omega - \eps \grad \phi (\rho), \end{cases} $$for a choice of increasing congestion function $\phi(\rho)$, such as$$ \phi(\rho) = ( \rho^{-1} - \rhomax^{-1} ) ^ {-\gamma},\quad \gamma > 0. $$

Properties of the Model

Rewrite model in advection-diffusion form,$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \div(\rho \omega) = \eps \div(\rho \grad \phi(\rho)), \\ (\pt + u \cdot \grad) \omega = 0, \\ u = \omega - \eps \grad \phi (\rho). \end{cases} $$

The first equation enforces capacity bound.

The second equation introduces steering behaviour.

Derivation from Particle System

We formally derive the model from an agent-based model:$$ \begin{cases} \dot{X}_k(t) = V_k(t), \\ \dot{W}_k(t) = 0, \\ V_k(t) = W_k(t) - \varepsilon \grad\brk{\phi(\rho^R)}(t,X_k), \end{cases} $$where $X_k$, $V_k$, and $W_k$ are, respectively, the position, velocity, and desired velocity of the $k$th agent.

$\rho^R$ is non-local estimator of the density with radius $R$,$$ \rho^R(t,x) = \frac{1}{NR^2} \sum_{k=1}^{N} M\prt{\frac{\abs{x - X_k(t)}}{R}}, $$where $M$ is a symmetric mollifier with unit integral.

$N\rightarrow\infty$ Limit

$$ \begin{cases} \pt f(t,x,w) + \div\prt{U_f^R f} = 0, \\ U_f^R(t,x,w) = w - \varepsilon \grad\brk{\phi(\rho_f^R)}(t, x), \\ \rho_f^R(t, x) = \frac{1}{R^2} \int_{\Rtwo\times\Rtwo} M\prt{\frac{\abs{x - y}}{R}} f(t,y,w) \dy \dw. \end{cases} $$

$R\rightarrow 0$ Limit

$$ \begin{cases} \pt f + \div\prt{U_f f} = 0, \\ U_f(t,x,w) = w - \varepsilon \grad\brk{\phi(\rho_f)}(t, x), \\ \rho_f(t, x) = \int_{\Rtwo} f(t,x,w) \dw. \end{cases} $$

Oligokinetic Ansatz

The local kinetic model admits a measure-valued solution$$ \mu(t,x,w) = \sum_{i=1}^{P} \rho\i(t,x) \delta(w - \omega\i(t,x)) $$if $(\rho_i,\omega_i)$ satisfy the multi-fluid model$$ \begin{cases} \pt \rho\i + \div\prt{\rho\i u\i} = 0, \\ \pt \omega\i + \prt{u\i\cdot\grad}\omega\i = 0, \\ u\i = \omega\i - \eps \grad\phi(\rho), \\ \rho = \sum_{i=1}^{P} \rho\i. \end{cases} $$

Stiffness Issues (CFL)

Model in conservative variables $(\rho,q = \rho\omega)$ (1D):$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px q = \eps \px(\rho \px \phi(\rho)), \\ \pt q + \px (\rho^{-1}q^2) = \eps \px(q \px \phi(\rho)). \end{cases} $$

Diffusion coefficient in the first equation is $\eps\rho\phi'(\rho)$. Near congestion, when $\rhomax-\rho\sim\eps$, it is$$ \eps\rho\phi'(\rho) = \eps\gamma\rho^\gamma\left( 1 - \frac{\rho}{\rhomax} \right)^{-(\gamma+1)} \sim \eps^{-\gamma}. $$

A naïve numerical treatment will require a CFL condition, $\info{\Dt \sim \eps^{\gamma} \Dx^2}$.

Stiffness Issues (Congestion)

Model in conservative variables (1D):$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px q = \eps \px(\rho \px \phi(\rho)), \\ \pt q + \px (\rho^{-1}q^2) = \eps \px(q \px \phi(\rho)). \end{cases} $$

Recall $q = \rho \omega$ and the equation for $\omega$,$$ \pt \omega + \omega \px \omega = \eps \px \phi(\rho) \px\omega. $$Ignoring diffusive effects, $\omega$ satisfies Burgers' equation. It tends to develop shocks, which correspond to delta-shock waves on the density equation.

Without specialised schemes, the bound $\rho\leq\rhomax$ will not hold.

Semi-Discrete & Semi-Implicit Scheme

$$ \begin{align} & \frac{\rho\np - \rho\n}{\Dt} + \px \prt{\rho\n \omega\n} = \varepsilon\px \prt{\rho\n \info{\px\phi\np}}, \\& \frac{q\np - q\n}{\Dt} + \px \prt{q\n \omega\n} = \varepsilon\px \prt{q\n \info{\px\phi\np}}, \\& q\n = \rho\n \omega\n, \\& \phi\n = \phi\prt{\rho\n}, \\& \phi\prt{\rho} = \prt{\rho^{-1} - \rho_{\text{max}}^{-1}}^{-\gamma}. \end{align} $$

Elliptic Problem on $\phi\np$

The equation for the density becomes$$ -\varepsilon\Dt\px \prt{\rho\n \px\phi\np} + \rho\prt{\phi\np} = \rho\n - \Dt\px \prt{\rho\n \omega\n}, $$where $\rho(\phi)$ is the inverse of $\phi(\rho)$. Existence and well-posedness of $\phi\np$ holds provided the RHS is positive. This will hold for sufficiently small $\Dt$, independently of $\eps$.

Once $\phi\np$ is found, the update of $q\np$ is explicit.

Fully Discrete Schemes

Finite-volume discretisation:$$ \begin{cases} \pt\rho + \px q = \eps \px(\rho \px \phi(\rho)), \\ \pt q + \px (\rho^{-1}q^2) = \eps \px(q \px \phi(\rho)), \end{cases} $$becomes$$ \begin{align} & \frac{\rho\i\np - \rho\i\n}{\Dt} + \frac{F\ih\n - F\imh\n}{\Dx} = \eps \frac{D\ih\np - D\imh\np}{\Dx}, \\& \frac{q\i\np - q\i\n}{\Dt} + \frac{G\ih\n - G\imh\n}{\Dx} = \eps \frac{C\ih\np - C\imh\np}{\Dx}. \end{align} $$

Hyperbolic Transport

$$ \begin{align} & \frac{\rho\i\np - \rho\i\n}{\Dt} + \info{\frac{F\ih\n - F\imh\n}{\Dx}} = \eps \frac{D\ih\np - D\imh\np}{\Dx}, \\& \frac{q\i\np - q\i\n}{\Dt} + \info{\frac{G\ih\n - G\imh\n}{\Dx}} = \eps \frac{C\ih\np - C\imh\np}{\Dx}. \end{align} $$The first-order scheme uses an upwind discretisation for the transport terms:$$ \begin{align} & F\ih\n = \rho\i\n \pos{\omega\ih\n} + \rho\ip\n \neg{\omega\ih\n}, \\& G\ih\n = q\i\n \pos{\omega\ih\n} + q\ip\n \neg{\omega\ih\n}, \\& \omega\ih\n = \frac{\omega\i\n+\omega\ip\n}{2}. \end{align} $$We also construct a second-order flux using a minmod limiter.

Parabolic Terms

$$ \begin{align} & \frac{\rho\i\np - \rho\i\n}{\Dt} + \frac{F\ih\n - F\imh\n}{\Dx} = \eps \info{\frac{D\ih\np - D\imh\np}{\Dx}}, \\& \frac{q\i\np - q\i\n}{\Dt} + \frac{G\ih\n - G\imh\n}{\Dx} = \eps \info{\frac{C\ih\np - C\imh\np}{\Dx}}. \end{align} $$The schemes use a (second-order) centred discretisation for the diffusion:$$ \begin{align} & D\ih\np = \frac{\prt{\rho\i\n+\rho\ip\n}\prt{\phi\ip\np - \phi\i\np}}{2\Dx}, & C\ih\np = \frac{\prt{q\i\n+q\ip\n}\prt{\phi\ip\np - \phi\i\np}}{2\Dx}. \end{align} $$

Elliptic Problem on $\phi\i\np$

The equation for the density becomes$$ -\varepsilon\Dt \frac{D\ih\np - D\imh\np}{\Dx} + \rho\prt{\phi\i\np} = \rho\i\n - \Dt \frac{F\ih\n - F\imh\n}{\Dx}, $$where $\rho(\phi)$ is the inverse of $\phi(\rho)$. Existence and well-posedness of $\phi\np$ holds provided the RHS is positive, which only requires a hyperbolic-like CFL, $\Dt\sim\Dx$, independent of $\eps$.

Once $\phi\i\np$ is found, the update of $q\i\np$ is explicit.

Validation of the Schemes

A simple test case that develops congestion:$$ \begin{cases} \rho_0(x) = 0.7, \\ \omega_0(x) = 0.5 - 0.4\sin(2\pi x). \end{cases} $$

Comparison of First and Second-Order Schemes

Same test case. $M=2^{10}$ points.

Singular Limit Behaviour

Same test case. $M=2^{10}$ points.

Corridor Experiments

Corridor Experiments

Corridor Experiments

Crowd Collision and Model Instability

Perhaps a Saffman–Taylor instability, not clear yet.


  • A hydrodynamic model for pedestrians with a capacity bound.
  • The model captures the fundamental diagram through the congestion effects.
  • A structure-preserving numerical scheme.
  • Work now published in M3AS: Aceves-Sánchez, RB, Degond, Mercier (2024) .


  • Congestion function $\phi$ is insensitive to crowd speed.
  • Empirical calibration (e.g. match corridor simulations to experimental data).
  • Learning the form of the congestion function from data.
  • Resolve the model instability, likely through a multi-fluid or kinetic extension to the model.

Upcoming PhD positions at TU/e

Centre for Analysis,
Scientific Computing and Applications

Thank you!


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 883363).

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